The Modern (2020 - 2053) Grand Solar Minimum Has Far Reaching Implications For Life On Earth

Dr. Valentina Zharkova, brilliant in math and astrophysics, has made groundbreaking discoveries about the current (2020 - 2053) Grand Solar Minimum and how it will impact life here on earth.   Dr. Zharkova has published over 200 articles and written a book on the topic.  In a nutshell, when enough data became available to identify the sun's solar cycles and determine the extent they affect life on planet earth, Dr. Zharkova made ground breaking discoveries.  You can catch Dr. Zharkova's research at the website here.

The discoveries Dr. Zharkova pioneered were validated and enhanced by subsequent research.  These concepts are masterfully presented in an article authored by Sacha Dobler dated January 14, 2018.  

One can easily find articles about large or increased volcanic activity in the news--such activity is indicative of a solar minimum:

1)  The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano which erupted on January 15, 2022 in the South Pacific was so large it changed the chemistry of the stratosphere.

2) In November of 2023 the likelihood of increased volcanic activity in Iceland was making the news.  In mid-January 2024 the news proved that the predictions were correct.  (See also here.)

Dr. Zharkova maintains that it's going to be increasingly difficult for the climate warming folks to maintain their position as we move through the 2020 through 2053 cold period.  This is further bolstered by real weather events, such as Sweden having their coldest January evening in 25 years.

Dr. Zharkova says snow and freezes in June will be more common during the Solar Minimum Period which will have an adverse affect on crops.  You can catch an excellent interview between Mike Adams and Dr. Zharkova on

I hope to expand on this article at a future date. 

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