Slight of Hand: Games of Deception Are Played--By Politicians and the Media--Right Before Our Eyes (And When They Are Exposed, Don't Expect Apologies)

How is it that false narratives proliferate, even when people realize--over time--that at least some aspect of the narrative is false?  Part of the answer lies in the fact that these erroneous narratives are propped up by politicians, big tech, and the media. 

A recent short video posted by Elon Musk on X (Twitter) presents an excellent example of a change in narrative over time (his post has the caption "Have you heard dis information?") in reference to the "effective" in "safe and effective."  Due to the limited testing of the shot that was "approved for emergency use," the "effective" part of the narrative was tenuous at best from the beginning.  Later, we find that the "safe" part of the narrative does not hold water as well.  Dr. Mark Trozzi has compiled 1,000 peer reviewed studies that address 117 documented negative effects of the jab.  Obviously if they had used "risky and unproven" rather than "safe and effective," the more accurate narrative would have stymied the uptake of the jab and also would have had a gross negative impact on pharmaceutical profits. 

Incidentally, Elon Musk recently terminated about half of the staff in his "disinformation unit" (including the leader) because they had been contributing more to the problem of disinformation than solving it!

Other examples of "slight of hand" include two weeks to flatten the curve, the number of masks to wear (none, one, or two), J6, and the assassination of JFK (and of his brother Bobby as well, for that matter).     

Much insight can be gained from an interview conducted by Moms on a Mission (Miriam Shaw and Julie Woolslayer) with Lara Logan, an award winning journalist who has to courage to conduct true investigative journalism regardless whether her efforts fit in with the the dominant narratives or not (or whether or not she sparks the ire of politicians and the press, or whether she gets canceled by big tech or by people in her social circles).

Lara talks first about how her responsibilities as a Mom are paramount.  She discusses her right to protect the innocence of her children and of the challenges of doing so in today's society. 

She then goes on to speak more as a journalist.  To give you an extended excerpt from the interview, I'll pick things up where she speaks of the different ways people respond when they discover they've been duped by a false narrative . . .

"You either say [1)] Oh my gosh I was wrong, what does that mean, what do I have to do now to survive [2)] Or you go into denial, and you dig in, and you double down, and you’re gonna stick to that no matter what, right [3)] Or you are so deeply buried in it . . .

. . . you know I would say the John Brennans, the Susan Rices the Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Ben Rhodes, I mean James Clapper, these people, the Mike Morrells, the Tony Blikens, the George Bushes, the Mike Pence, the Mitt Romneys, these people are so deeply embedded in these false narratives and in these lies, they are so corrupt, they are so guilty, there’s only one way forward for them, it’s deny, deny, deny right to the very end, because there is no redemption for them.

They are so committed, there’s no redemption. I mean, in a sense they remind of the wicked in the Bible, right, because the sinner can repent and look at Jesus and God, turn to them for forgiveness, but the wicked spits in the eye of God, these people spit in the eye of God, because I am not sure they still have a soul left, they sold their soul to the devil so long ago that it’s beyond redemption; it’s not my decision to make, obviously, that’s God’s decision to make, so maybe some of them can be redeemed, but we don’t see them asking for redemption, we don’t see them coming forward, we don’t see Fauci coming forward and saying, you know what, we weren’t honest about the clinical trials, we did know hydroxychloroquine worked, we were scared, we were pushed into something, we were . . . you know, I don’t believe any of that, but you don’t see him doing it, you don’t see them asking for redemption, you don’t see Hiliary Clinton or Joe Biden asking for redemption, you don’t see the Biden family coming forward and saying, you know, there was a problem with China, and our business dealings, and we’re are severing it off, no, it’s always one more lie after another, after another, after another, and you see them lying about the border, lying about the kids that’s going missing, covering up for CPS, no one’s calling out child protection services, and all of the children that they’ve been involved in trafficking, you know, no one’s calling out the family courts, and saying we got to fix the family courts, lets do this, this, and this, no!

No one is coming forward and saying, you know in light of what we know now about January 6th, and how many undercover operatives and confidential human sources there were on the ground, we are calling on every single government agency that had people on the ground to come forward, tell us who they were, how many were there, and what they were doing, what was their role on January 6th; and lets have this conversation honestly, find out how much of what happened was because of people who were trained to incite, how much happened because it was orchestrated, how much was entrapment . . . it’s not just the FBI that was involved, it’s the Department of Homeland Security, it’s the Joint Terrorism Task Force, it is the special narcotics division of the Metropolitan Police, the other units in the MPD. What happened to all of those evacuation procedures that we have in place in our government?"

She then goes on to say that the evacuation procedures don't entail putting furniture up against the door.  (As if to say "Come on, let get real about this, the furniture against the door thing is ludicrous.")

More towards the end of the interview she is asked how she has the courage she has.

Part of her answer is that she was born with a sense of purpose.  She discusses the family that she was raised in and how growing up in South Africa when Nelson Mandela was on the scene (taking a stand based on principles) and how that influenced her.  

She talks about how principles are absolute and she says that early in life she observed that there is a price to be paid for being true to your principles.

It's a gem of an interview, one of the best you can devote time to listening to.