Understanding SARS-CoV-2 And Other Diseases: Dr. Sabine Hazan Finds Profound Answers In The Microbiome 

Interestingly, Dr. Sabine Hazan has found that Bifidobacteria in the gut tends to be absent when covid in stools, covid longhaulers syndrome, and covid injections are present.  Furthermore, she found that supplementation with Vitamin C and Vitamin D, in general, will increase levels of Bifidobacteria in the gut.  Dr. Hazan also found that when Bifidobacteria is fully destroyed in the gut due to covid, mainstream techniques to build back that genus of bacterium in the gut can be futile.  Stated a different way, one can't build back a strain of bacteria in the gut that isn't there! 

Dr. Hazan is a pioneer in discovering and recognizing the importance of having multiple bacteria phylum in the gut for good health.  According to Dr. Hazan, the average person in the US has three to four phylum of bacteria in their gut.  Ideally, one would have more like nine phylum of bacteria in their gut for overall good health and wellness.  It would not be unusual for an individuals who has only a one phylum of bacteria in their gut to be suicidal.

Dr. Hazan explains the above concepts and much more in an interview that took place on December 8, 2022 at 7pm Eastern time.  The interview was sponsored by the Vaccine Research Safety Foundation (VSRF) and featured Steve Kirsch and Sabine Hazan; Louisa Clary, the Executive Director of the VSRF, facilitated the interview.  To watch a recording of the webcast as well as view the chat thread that took place during the webcast go to the VSRF's link to the weekly Thursday broadcast and look for the weekly broadcast that is labeled as EPISODE 58: The Gut Microbiome: Covid vaccines and disease (December 8, 2022).  The interview is 1 hour and 45 minutes in duration, but is well worth the time investment as it contains many points of Dr. Hazan's groundbreaking discoveries.  Here's a link to the video for the interview on Odysee.

In the interview Dr. Hazan stated that she is in the process of getting over 50 papers published.  She was unable to go into specifics on some of the things that will be published, but in the meantime if someone wants to get up to speed on the issues which became the focus of her discussion, she recommended that they pick up a copy of her book entitled Let's Talk SH!T

This article was updated on December 31, 2022

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