"Obarun Kenobi, You Are Our Only Hope" (To Be Systemd Free And On A More Modern Init)

If you are looking for a better Linux init than Systemd, but don't know where to turn, check out Obarun Linux (based on Arch).  Per the Obarun website, "Systemd replacement is made by Skarnet's S6 supervision suite as init and by Obarun's own 66 service management."

Systemd does what needs to be done, but it's so complex and monolithic that it increases the likelihood of having a less secure system.  Somehow it overcame known fallacies and became the dominant init system.

You can track the non Systemd distros here (it's not a long list).

S6 and 66 seem to be very well conceived.  Check out this article that discusses the stages of life of a Unix system and S6's optimal handling of the issues.

I currently use EndeavourOS (based on Arch) as my daily driver for Linux.  It seems to be much faster than Debian/Ubuntu based distros on old hardware, it works great on new hardware, it makes Arch easy for novices, and advanced Linux users like it as well.  With Endeavour, you can pretty much use any desktop environment you like.

My plan is to fully transition off of Windows 10 to Linux by 2025, hopefully at that time I'll be using distros like Endeavour and Obarun (other options like ReactOS will be considered as well).

Obarun is not currently in the top 100 distributions on Distrowatch with the most page hits but that may change when then next version of Obarun is released (with many S6 and 66 improvements), hopefully sometime in February 2024.


This article was updated on January 31, 2024

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