About Vaccines - A Balanced, Informative Discussion

I have had the good fortune to come across what I consider to be the best two interviews imaginable on the topic of vaccines.  People on either side of the issue (or neither side of the issue) can learn much from these two interviews.  Both interviews occurred between the same two parties:  Ari Whitten and Cammy Benton, MD.

If you don't know much about Ari Whitten, here are a few things I can share about him to give you a little introduction.  I have been getting some information on health topics from Ari probably for over a year now, and I have found him to be very science based and at the same time very personable and interesting to watch or listen to.  That combination can be hard to find.  I particularly like Ari's July 4, 2020 interview with Stephanie Estima on the subject of keto and fat loss; they discussed keto and fat loss for everyone but especially in relation to female biology.  Both Stephanie and Ari have experience as personal trainers to women and had insights to offer.  Ari has become fairly well known as a reliable source of information on Red Light and Near Infared Light Therapy and has publications and podcasts on the topic.

If you haven't heard of Cammy Benton, MD, it's hard to know what to say by way of introduction.  Cammy has the medical training, personal experiences, and cites research that makes her story very compelling.  I found it very interesting to observe how her views changed over time based on her medical training, experiences, and research.  Her agenda, if she had one, seems to me to be that of living according to the best information available.  She is not pro vaccine or anti vaccine.  As pointed out in the interviews, saying "vaccines are good" or "vaccines are bad" is like saying "drugs are good" or "drugs are bad" or even "food is good" or "food is bad"--the specifics need to be examined; often times a generalization can't be made!

Now, after that introduction, below are the links to the two interviews.  I listened to Part 2 before Part 1, and was glad I did it in that order, though either order would work.  Part 2 has a nice way of approaching the topic and cites key evidence; Part 1 tells more of Cammy's journey, as I recall.

Part 1 - December 19, 2020 (One Hour, 45 Minutes, 43 Seconds long, the video version has pretty much been expunged from the internet; the link is to a video copy of the interview that I was able to locate on Bitchute).  You'll find an audio only version of the interview here.

Part 2 - December 19, 2020 (One Hour, 28 Minutes, 43 long, the video version has pretty much been expunged from the internet; the link is to a video copy of the interview that I was able to locate on Bitchute).  You'll find an audio only version of the interview here.



This article was updated on November 13, 2021

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