A Time to Be Thankful, a Time to Think, and a Time to Reflect About This Path We Are On

It is November 11, 2021 (Veteran's Day) and I acknowledge the courageous men and women in the armed forces who have made the peaceful life I have enjoyed here in this county (the United States) possible.  It seems that we are increasingly being challenged on multiple fronts to maintain the freedom and lifestyle that so many of us hold dear.  The Declaration of Independence proclaims that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  My hope is that our God given rights can be defended against trespass from unruly powers, both foreign and domestic, and I am grateful for the role that our veterans have played in that regard.

For myself, a cancer survivor, in this season of gratitude I find myself grateful for the gift of life itself! If you have found this web page, likely you have come to obtain some unusually good medical info (at goodinfo.io no less!).  Here is the best I have to offer:

1) The highest thinking (everything affects everything!).  Four superstars give the broadest medical views and cumulative wisdom on the underlying causes of cures related to viruses and spike proteins that I have heard to date:  https://zachbushmd.com/regenerations-replay/  Leading the discussion is Zach Bush, who is board certified in five medical specialty areas.  Watching this video is a two hour commitment but it is well worth the time.  If you don't have time to watch the video, you can get a synopsis of the main points of the video, listed below the video, on the web page.

2) Early treatment possibilities.  Ari Whitten interviews Dr. Peter McCullough, the most cited doctor in the world on early Covid-19 treatment: https://theenergyblueprint.com/peter-mccullough/ .  Below the video you on the web page you will find a transcript of the interview.  Here is another very good video from Dr. Henry Ealy:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6onm5dtTag .  

3) The inhibition of DNA repair.  This article and the "HRR video" embedded in the article go into depth explaining the exact mechanism of action of how covid vaccines can inhibit DNA repair (backed by scientific research for those of us who want to follow the science): https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-11-02-covid-vaccines-inhibit-dna-repair-cause-cancer.html

4) Some vaccine lots are much safer than others.  These articles explain how some vaccine batches are much safer (or much deadlier) than others (interestingly, the most deadly batches had a much wider distribution geography than the safest batches):  https://theexpose.uk/2021/10/31/100-percent-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-caused-by-just-5-percent-of-the-batches-produced/  Also, more information can be found here: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-11-02-jab-roulette-covid-vaccine-lots-deadlier.html

5) The tragic loss of athletes.  It so deeply saddens me to see this video about the recent mysterious loss of athletes.  The 5 minute video features clips/headlines of 65 athletes whose hearts have recently failed them:  https://www.brighteon.com/d956a34f-9691-4426-a062-e40227110619 .  The video gives me deep cause to pause and reflect about this "train ride" we seem to be on--we can hop on the train without charge, on a moments notice, but where is the destination?  

6) Bonus:  Donnie Yance Interviewed by Ben Greenfield.  Added on December 10, 2021.  The interview covers plant medicines that mitigate vaccine risks, vaccine risks and benefits, and Novavax showing promise.  A Donnie Yance article referenced in the interview can be found here.  



This article was updated on December 10, 2021

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